Friday, October 16, 2009

color crazy: draw! pilgrim

here we are at friday again and what better day to take a few moments to express yourself creatively! in my opinion there just isn't enough opportunity for coloring in once you pass a certain age, so just for larks i've made a coloring sheet you can print off. click on the image above to go to a full page version you can print off and color in to your heart's content.

i hope everyone has a great weekend and i hope to see you back here on monday for some groovy new posts!


Vic said...

I totally agree - colouring in can be very relaxing for an adult - like meditation almost, especially when the design is as pretty & intricate as that one!

Personally, after spending more time than I care to admit last night using a graphics pad & pen to colour in my Superpops entry... I'm all coloured out for now!!!

Sarah said...

You're completely right about not having the opportunity to colour once you've reached a certain age. What a great idea!

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